Discover our extensive range of additional window locks to protect the closing side of windows
Burglars usually prefer to attack windows and patio doors. That's precisely why we have brought special products on to the market that can be fitted as add-ons to protect your home. The range has really exploded over recent years. Above all, it has been possible to combine security requirements with factors such as ease of use and design in one additional window lock.
Security all round the window
In both tilted and closed position, a standard window is not much of an obstacle to a burglar. But you can do something about that. The additional window locks from ABUS are based on over 90 years of experience in research, development and production.
Many of our products are VdS-approved (VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH under the umbrella of the Association of German Insurers [Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV) and the Association of Loss Insurers (Verband der Schadensversicherer)]. The VdS test criteria currently represent the highest specifications for mechanical security products in Germany.