Lockout and padlocksProtected EmployeesPreventive Security

Industrial Safety – Safe Workplace, Protected Employees

Lockout/Tagout helps ensure a safe working environment. From the perspective of an employer, guidelines and legal regulations must be followed in order to protect employees. In this instance, where rules and directions alone are not enough, physical safety measures are needed to avoid work accidents.

Around 2.2 million people die from work accidents each year worldwide

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) around 2.2 million people die from work accidents each year worldwide and around 270 million people are injured by work-related accidents. Especially in industrial environments where workers come in contact with toxic chemicals, high temperatures, heavy machinery or sharp tools, the risk of an accident is extremely high. An oven fire can escalate very quickly, explosive materials can catch fire, rubble can fall down, and workers can get caught in machines. It is often difficult to help in such situations – and often help comes too late.

That’s why it is not only important to establish clear guidelines for emergency situations, it is crucial to take preventive work safety measurements. Even with simple actions and safety products which can be integrated into the daily work routine without a problem, accidents can effectively be prevented and employees can be protected.

Lockout/Tagout products from ABUS

This is where Lockout/Tagout products come into play. With these, machines, valves, power plugs and switches can be locked in a way that they cannot be accessed during maintenance, cleaning and repair work. Through these measures the safety of the employees is ensured and accidents can effectively be avoided.

Lockout Hasp

Lockout Hasp

To temporarily block access to switchboards, ABUS off ers diff erent varieties of lockout hasps. With these, main power switches and thus the energy sources can easily be locked out during maintenance or service work. This is an easy and eff ective way to avoid accidental restarting of the machine.

Valve Lockout

Valve Lockout

The regular maintenance of machinery is indispensable. In order not to endanger employees who are assigned to carry out the maintenance work, it is very important to lock out gate valves. The ABUS valve lockout device is perfect for this job. It eff ectively blocks access to valves on pipes so that these cannot be turned on accidentally.

Ball Valve Lockout

Ball Valve Lockout

To block most common ball valves (even those with more than two outgoing pipes), the ball valve lockout device is the right choice. If the fl at lever is at an angle of 90° to the pipe, it can be locked by the device. With a padlock, the device ultimately gets fi xated and the ball valve is locked. Accidental opening during maintenance work is therefore impossible.

Ball Valve Lockout

During maintenance work, certain valves on machinery have to be locked in order to protect employees. This ball valve lockout device is used to block access to a lever on a standard ball valve.

Ball Valve Lockout

Circuit Breaker Lockout

Single circuit breakers can eff ectively be locked out by these devices. By turning the screw, the lockout device pinches single switches and blocks them from movement. During maintenance work, this procedure makes sure that switches and therefore the machines are not accidentally turned on.

Circuit Breaker Lockout

Multipolar Circuit Breaker Lockout

This lockout device is used to keep mulit-pole circuit breakers turned off during maintenance work. To do this, the lockout device is clamped into the open space under the bridge over the switches; then the adjustment wheel grips the device and therefore blocks the switch off.

Multipolar Circuit Breaker Lockout
Power Plug Lockout

Power Plug Lockout

In order to carry out maintenance work on machinery, some plugs have to be disconnected to interrupt the power fl ow. To make sure these plugs are not plugged in again by mistake, they can be locked inside this lockout device. The power plug lockout is available in two diff erent sizes.

Gas Cylinder Lockout

Gas Cylinder Lockout

During maintenance work, gas bottles and gas connections have to be secured. The gas cylinder lockout is perfect for this job because it eff ectively locks gas cylinders.

Compressed Air Connection Lockout

Compressed Air Connection Lockout

In order to prevent compressed air from getting into the machine and therefore turning it on, some compressed air hoses have to be plugged out and locked. The compressed air connection lockout is prefect for this job.

Safelex™ Universal- Cable Lockout

There are situations when the right lockout device is not at hand. If a machine is malfunctioning and has to be serviced quickly, sometimes there is not enough time to search for a special valve, circuit breaker, or other device. The Safelex™ universal cable lockout is the solution. It is universally applicable, especially in cases where longer distances between two lockout points have to be bridged.

Safelex™ Universal-Cable Lockout

Standard-Cable Lockout

The standard cable lockout is used during maintenance work in cases where the special lockout device for the respective access point is not at hand. It can be used universally on diff erent kinds of energy sources.

Standard-Cable Lockout

Safety Redbox™ Group Lockout Box

Maintenance or service work on big machinery is usually an organizational effort. Many diff erent access points have to be locked out, many diff erent groups of workers with diff erent professions are at work. If all people involved had to lock out each access point, it would become not only a very timely eff ort, but it would also require a large number of padlocks. The solution: The Safety Redbox™. Thanks to this product, only the foreman has to lock out all the access points and then put the diff erent keys into the box. All other people involved lock the Safety Redbox™ with their personalized padlock, thus all the keys are stored away until the end of the maintenance process.

Safety Redbox™ Group Lockout Box

ABUS color-coded, inscribable or engravable safety padlocks

Each working environment has its own unique characteristics and the framework for safety measurements usually differs. Sometimes corrosion resistance is very important, other times a spark-resistant or nonconductive feature is needed.

ABUS not only offers safety lockout devices, but also a large variety of color-coded, inscribable or engravable safety padlocks. Through these customization processes, a fast and easy assignment between the lock and the respective employee who uses that lock is always possible. ABUS safety padlocks are not only quality-engineered; they are backed by high-quality service and support. For example, keyed alike locks can be reordered even after many years, or padlocks can be integrated in already existing locking systems.



For safety reasons, only a few employees are allowed to operate and lock out switchboards and machinery. With colored padlocks it is clear who has this authority. These regulations also apply in electrical and high-temperature surroundings: Use 74 series locks there.



Work safety is a high priority subject. With the locks of the 72 series, the safety of the employees can be signifi cantly improved. Due to their color variety, the locks can be assigned to diff erent persons or groups. Through this, it is clear who is locking out a machine and who has the responsibility to unlock it.


The ABUS 41 Laminated Steel Series is a safety padlock that also features a high level of security. The robust steel body is not only resistant to physical attacks, but also to corrosion because of the special ETERNA™ plating on each of the laminates.


T65AL – myLock

The T84MB is spark-resistant and very sturdy in harsh weather conditions. For safety purposes, it is best used wherever corrosion is an issue.

T65AL myLock

Clearly structured key administration

The more machines there are that have to be locked out, the more different keys are needed. But a large number of keys and a confusing key administration are not necessary. Modern locking systems by ABUS are the solution.

Combination of different locking cylinders

A locking system is a combination of different locking cylinders that have a certain relation to each other. Depending on what is needed, the functionalities of the cylinder can be bundled and exactly assigned. Within a locking system there are single keys, group keys and general keys – this makes it possible to distribute certain access rights among different employees.

Keyed Different
Keyed Alike

Keyed Different:

Each padlock has its own unique key.

Keyed Alike:

Each padlock can be opened with the same key.

Keyed Different with Master Key
Keyed Different with Grand Master Key

Keyed Different with Master Key:

Each padlock has its own key. The master key can open all padlocks.

Keyed Different with Grand Master Key:

Each padlock has its own key. The padlocks of each group can be opened with their respective master key. All padlocks can be opened with the grand master key.

Safety Regulations in the USA

In the USA, Lockout/Tagout is strongly connected to a federal agency named Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). According to OSHA, which is significantly responsible for work safety measurements, Lockout/Tagout is the best way to prevent work accidents during maintenance and service work.

Lockout describes the actual physical action of locking, Tagout refers to the marking of important lockout points with information or warning signs.

Lockout/Tagout – definition

Lockout describes the actual physical action of locking, such as industrial machinery or gate valves, and can also be called maintenance protection.

Proper lockout procedure always requires a tagout

Tagout, on the other hand, refers to the marking of important lockout points with information or warning signs. A proper lockout procedure always requires a tagout. A tagout procedure can be carried out separately in cases where no physical lockout is possible.

All the information at a glance

You can read all about our products and the subject of industrial safety again in our brochure “ABUS Industrial Safety – Safe Workplaces for Employee Protection”. Simply download the PDF on your computer or print out the brochure directly.

"ABUS Industrial Safety” brochure

Lockout/Tagout products in use

Learn more about the importance of industrial safety and about our products in the following videos.

You will find an introduction movie that underlines the need for proper Lockout/Tagout procedures as well as a number of application videos for our Safety Devices. View the product videos