Lockout/Tagout helps ensure a safe working environment. From the perspective of an employer, guidelines and legal regulations must be followed in order to protect employees. In this instance, where rules and directions alone are not enough, physical safety measures are needed to avoid work accidents.
Around 2.2 million people die from work accidents each year worldwide
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) around 2.2 million people die from work accidents each year worldwide and around 270 million people are injured by work-related accidents. Especially in industrial environments where workers come in contact with toxic chemicals, high temperatures, heavy machinery or sharp tools, the risk of an accident is extremely high. An oven fire can escalate very quickly, explosive materials can catch fire, rubble can fall down, and workers can get caught in machines. It is often difficult to help in such situations – and often help comes too late.
That’s why it is not only important to establish clear guidelines for emergency situations, it is crucial to take preventive work safety measurements. Even with simple actions and safety products which can be integrated into the daily work routine without a problem, accidents can effectively be prevented and employees can be protected.
Lockout/Tagout products from ABUS
This is where Lockout/Tagout products come into play. With these, machines, valves, power plugs and switches can be locked in a way that they cannot be accessed during maintenance, cleaning and repair work. Through these measures the safety of the employees is ensured and accidents can effectively be avoided.