The universal wireless transmitter is attached directly to the camera and transmits its recorded video signal to a wireless receiver that is, for example, connected to a monitor. Wireless signal transmission is advantageous in places where the installation of cables is not possible or too expensive. The universal wireless transmitter operates in the high-frequency 5.8 GHz band. The transmission power is 25 mW. The range indoors is up to 30 meters, outdoors up to 500 meters. At 5.8 GHz, 15 transmission channels are available. A maximum of 6 channels can be utilized simultaneously within an object without interference. The universal wireless transmitter can be installed very easily on all cameras of the ABUS Security-Center portfolio. This way, you convert any conventional camera into a wireless camera with a few moves. The universal wireless transmitter is also perfect for use in the wireless outdoor housing (TV5731).